I call it my breakfast cabinet.
Open Sesame
It holds my Keurig
And toaster.
And it's always plugged in.
Makes that first very necessary cup of coffee super simple. And hides all those small appliances. I hate clutter so it's really perfect for me.
The Florida Strawberry Festival started today, and today's free entertainment was Foreigner! Nice. We got advanced sale tickets yesterday at Sweetbay and they were $8 so I guess the concert isn't really free but whatever
Elsie the cow was there!! I was confused because she had horns which I didn't know the girls had. Huh. I asked her if she personally produces ALL that Bordon cheese and she said Moo which I think meant yes. She was very soft and shiny.
Then I saw the Strawberry Guy getting dressed up. I was shocked because I thought he was a real strawberry. First no Santa, now this. Sads.
Here he is, riding the merry go round and daring to wave at me. Faker!!
Here is my dream strawberry shortcake! If only it was real. I did have one similar to this, only 1000 times smaller.
These girls were great! They were sisters, and danced ( like, dance a jig danced) and played the violin and sang. I can't remember their name but we're going back next Saturday so I'll find out.
She gave it her all for sure.
They also did some log rolling and axe throwing. I did buy a t shirt though, on the back it says "Walk softly and carry a big axe". It should say "and also a chainsaw, just in case".
Scary ride...
This one was even scarier! It's called the Sky Swing, and it goes way up that support thing to the top. Umm no way! It was really too high for a carnie ride with really no safety harnesses etc. I know, I am a total kill joy.
When we got home, we shared a 7-7 and that was the drink of the day. No photo because I gulped it down! Cheers!